- 10 derniers résultats de AOW3 Players-

Castaneda Résultats


Partie#21 | Round 3 : Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 #7
Joué: 2017-10-11Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 Kind of game: Live-Multiplayer
Valeur de la partie: 42
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-10-11 12:22:27

Congratz Castaneda! Please remember to update the class/race (you can edit the report).

Yes you'll get a crown on your profile + you'll be in the Hall of Fame!

I hope you'll report more games on the Battlefield, not just tournament wins. <smiletext1>

Written on 2017-10-11 12:12:54

I had quite a good game and started heading towards Lsks are around turn 35. Managed to raze 4 cities there with no sign of him which made me think, Either he is on other side of the map or he has like 30 towns and I can go on razing forever with no effect.
But as it turned out, he seemed to have incredibly bad luck with the AI fights and didnt have a lot left. So he attacked a small scouting party of mine, not realizing that I had my 3 stacks behind it. So he surrendered without a fight.

Sorry for the tough luck Lck, been there done that <smiletext1>

Do I get a crown now? <smiletext1>

Written on 2017-10-11 12:09:18

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#20 | Round 2 : Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 #5
Joué: 2017-09-01Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 Kind of game: Live-Multiplayer
Valeur de la partie: 41
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-09-03 03:14:11

no, sometimes even I get lucky <smiletext1>
Next 10 I will lose again <smiletext1>

Written on 2017-09-01 16:37:41

Heh. Back from holidays:-) And with a win, yu trained?

Written on 2017-09-01 13:32:48

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#19 | Round 1 : Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 #2
Joué: 2017-07-13Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: Second-Winners Live Tournament 2017 Kind of game: Live-Multiplayer
Valeur de la partie: 40
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-07-14 08:26:22

Game was interesting (not very) & slow, Casta played cool, tactical, smart, as usual. 
I made much of mistakes, in the middle & end of game, as usual ;D

thanks for time used for me in game) next time i will play better)

Written on 2017-07-13 23:22:35

Confirmed by Castaneda

Written on 2017-07-13 23:22:05

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#18 | 3v3 Training
Joué: 2017-06-07Nombre de joueurs humains: 6
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 69
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-06-16 21:18:44

Great game, nice playing by Gladis!
I take the win gladly as well


Written on 2017-06-16 19:00:35

Confirmed by Moridin

Written on 2017-06-09 03:22:01

One of the most enjoyable games in a while.  Very tough competition from Gladis.  Would have liked to continue the game as well but not really interested in waiting a month to play so more.  Also the writing was on the wall as my production, even with 12 cities, and many forts was just not enough. 

GG all

Written on 2017-06-08 11:48:13

Excellent Game!
Tried to organisate a defense with moridin, but gladis was too strong.

Geschrieben am 2017-06-07 20:51:55

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#17 | Round 1 : Live Duel MP Tournament 2017 #5
Joué: 2017-05-19Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: Live Duel MP Tournament 2017 Kind of game: Live-Multiplayer
Valeur de la partie: 39
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-05-19 16:37:52

Confirmed by Lutek4671

Written on 2017-05-19 13:20:13

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#16 | Hawks vs Jean Co 4v4
Joué: 2017-05-13Nombre de joueurs humains: 8
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 84
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer
2Jundland BansheeRogueFrostlings300-82aqui


Written on 2017-05-14 10:13:31

No on the scores, I clicked "return to the map" and haven't figured out how to get to the scores after that =) But I do have some screenshots of the map at the day 35.

Surface (I haven't captured the south of the map, Castaneda and Jundland were actually a bit lower):


Written on 2017-05-14 06:36:10

Nice! Would you have a general screenshot of the map? And screenshots of the scores?

Written on 2017-05-13 21:54:52

Alright, the report. First of all: this was epic! Secondly, where do I even start…? The problem is there was just too many things happening in this game for me to attempt properly describing all of them. Ever since we hit the day 20 almost every turn brought something interesting, excited and/or unexpected, and going through all the details would take quite a long time for me to write and for you to read, so I’ll try to be relatively brief and reduce the story to the most interesting and impactful events.

Things went wrong for us right from the start. Even before that actually: out initial plan was to have me and Jean both start in the UG and leave the surface to Nook and Melciar, but Jean forgot to choose the underground start, leaving me there alone. Then both me and Nook managed to lose our cavalry early on and were getting by with the help of Jean’s Raise militia. Melciar, however, outdid all of us on the day 3:

Which had obvious negative impact on his clearing, which affected his economy, with affected his capacity as our designated scout.

I managed to restore a viable army faster than my teammates by getting lucky with the quests from my vassal. It gave me a quest for a beetle, I completed it, and right when I had planned to capture the city it gave me another one, for another beetle =) Two beetles, as alive as they were, still allowed to start clearing some nice places. Eventually the leader and the hero started ghouling more units, which allowed going into nicer sites and ghouling nicer units… You know how it goes =)

On the day 24 something very frightening happened. A planetary alignment occurred, and at the same time Seer completed Sage. We all imagined the worst: that Seer went straight for the Eldritch horror and got the spell via the cosmic event. That possibility sent us into a slight panic mode and caused us to search for ways to get access to T4s of our own as soon as possible.

I’ll get back to the T4 rush a bit later, but for now let me tell you a story of the dragon dwelling. It occurred at about this time chronologically and turned out to be one of the decisive things that changed the fate of the game =) Here it is:

They gave me a quest somewhere around the day 20. Initially I wasn’t really planning to go there, because the dwelling itself was a bit out of the way and I considered it would be better to simply buy their allegiance and continue marching towards where we had thought our enemies were, but the chance to ghoul some giants outweighed the strategic concerns. While I was walking towards the dwelling, the dragons became impatient and offered quests to both Nook and Jean, which made the location of the dwelling much more appealing for a necromancer. By the day 28 I completed all three quests, and immediately after that the dragons offered Jean a new one =) Unfortunately, the ghouling wasn’t as successful as I had hoped, but still, I managed to get a fire giant and an ogre there. And, most importantly, two wyverns: a fire one and a frost one. Not kidding =) You’ll see the role they played a bit later.

I still had to vassal the dragons though, and in order to save some money (which, as you could see on the previous screenshot, was a bit of a problem for me), I decided to build an outpost right next to the dragons. Found a very nice place for it too, and because of the central location it was planned to serve as an operational base for dispatching builders and settlers to the high-level sites that the underground was surprisingly rich with this time.

The population boost came from Castaneda, which he wasn’t particularly happy about =)

Back to the perceived Horror threat. In order to speed things up I’ve decided to split my army in two. Having no idea where Seer’s army was (at that point we thought it was very likely for him to be located in the UG as well, which turned out to be true) and having crappy scouting in general it was kind of a risky move, but desperate times called for desperate measures. So I ignored everything else and went straight to the sites that could help to get a Reaper summon.

On the day 30 my secondary army cleared a Sphynx temple, finishing the research of Deathbringer. Right after that my main army attacked the Pandora box in an attempt to get another planetary alignment. None of us were sure if it’s possible to get two cosmic events of the same kind in a single game, but it was worth the shot. It didn’t work though, I got two crappy choices instead. So I had to finish the research manually, and by manually I mean by clearing another Sphinx temple and a Wizard tower by the main army. The Wizard tower, however, presented a very interesting reward:

I still went for casting a Reaper first though. At that point it looked like Seer’s Sage had been a false alarm: if he had researched Eldritch horror, he would have already casted it. So I proceeded to cast a Reaper, because getting a Paragon for a Phoenix seemed a bit redundant =)

From there things escalated very quickly. We were concerned about this Archon dwelling falling into the wrong (Seer’s) hands, and capturing it was my next goal. We decided not to bother buying it because it was along the way and was considered cheaper to simply take by force.

However, right when I was about to clear the old quests and capture the dwelling, Seer beat me to it. As it turned out, one of the quests had been active, and he completed it, getting both Archons as vassals and a Titan as a unit reward. A battle that should have been very easy suddenly turned out to be very dangerous, but we had to attack right there and then while Seer’s army was wounded. The losses were substantial, but it was worth it:

Meanwhile the other frontlines were packed with action as well. First of all, let’s turn our attention to Jean. He cleared a bunch of dungeons and was building Berserkers with Killing momentum, and on the day 35 he used these forces to surprise Spock’s leader in the center of the map.

A few days later Melciar gathered some forces and managed to defeat one of Jundland’s armies.

Unfortunately, while he was gathering forces, he decided to visit a dungeon, which didn’t turn out well for his leader (unfortunately, I’m missing the screenshot of the battle result). And that’s how in just two turns 3 out of 8 players on the map were relocated to the void =)

Just a few days later Jundland launched a counter-attack on Melciar. He sneaked across the sea and attacked Melciar’s homeland with a very powerful leader, two giants and a flyer:

We thought that was it: Melciar had a small garrison in his throne, but it was no match for Jundland’s army. And all we could do to help him was to cast a couple more Initiates by Jean’s Raise militia, which probably wouldn’t have helped, considering Jundland’s leader’s 60% Shock protection. If Jundland had attacked immediately, that could be the end of Melciar, but he hesitated and Melciar and Jean managed to organize two stacks of ranged units to garrison the throne. Which allowed to hold the throne long enough to allow Melciar’s leader to return from the void and escape.

Now, remember the two wyverns I’ve mentioned earlier? They had joined a Feathered serpent ghouled at one of the Lost cities and a Lost soul that had been hovering nearby to form a scouting army, mainly responsible for small mischiefs like capturing and razing Castaneda’s underground outpost. But then one day they stumbled upon Spock’s throne that had been relocated to what I assume to be former Seer’s village:

At that moment it had been two days since Spock returned from the void, so that wasn’t an immediate game over for him, but he had to be somewhere nearby, and adding a Phoenix to this army provided an unexpected threat to his leader. A threat that was acted upon the next turn:

However, that wasn’t the end of this army’s story. Seer moved his home army to capture back Spock’s former throne (not sure why he did it without disjuncting Scorched earth first though) and got outmaneuvered by the faster flying army, which proceeded to capture his throne:

He tried to take it back, but Phoenix is a hell of a weapon against a Theo hero and a bunch of Elders:

The same turn the location of Seer’s leader was discovered by trying to attack his last big city:

Attacking right there and then could have been very dangerous, but luckily, I had the reinforcements coming in, so I didn’t have to attack right there and then =)

Not willing to wait for the siege to happen, Seer attacked my army in the field and lost:

Let’s get back to the surface. The day before Seer’s demise Jundland finally captured Melciar’s throne:

However, that was probably his last big success in the game. The next turn his home army encountered Jean’s berserkers in all their glory:

From there it was just a couple of days to (basically undefended) Jundland’s throne. Castaneda moved towards it with his army of Exalteds, probably planning to get the city back:

However, while Castaneda’s army was out in the field, Jean’s secondary army climbed out of the underground and launched an attack on Castaneda’s cities, including his throne:

This caused Castaneda to turn back to save his throne without fighting for Jundland’s:

While hurrying back, Castaneda split his forces by leaving slower units behind, but Exalteds proved not to be very dangerous on their own and Castaneda’s army was annihilated in the field:

At this point the outcome was pretty much decided. We controlled most of the map; Jundland and Castaneda had some armies, but no cities and no real way to fight back. Castaneda tried attacking us through the north-western continent, but he encountered the forces lead by Nook and me, the forces he had no chance against, so he surrendered. Jundland spend a few more days running around the map, but eventually was caught by Jean’s Manticores under Death march.

So… yeah, that was the brief…-ish version of events =) Kudos to those who are still reading this. I hope I’ve managed to capture at least some of the charm of this game and you’ve enjoyed its chronicles. As a bonus for the most patient readers, I’m gonna finish this with a couple of screenshots that bear no importance whatsoever, but that I find kind of amusing.

First of all, I present you the final residence of Melciar that he occupied after vacating his throne:

And finally, here’s the legion of builders joining the final hunt for Jundland:

Written on 2017-05-13 16:21:55

Thanks everyone, it was epic and fun =) I'll post a proper report later, there is a lot to write about here.

Written on 2017-05-13 16:18:38

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#15 | Round 2 : 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament #26
Joué: 2017-04-19Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament Kind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 41
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-04-20 19:33:44

And thanks for your wishes <smiletext21> Good luck you too <smiletext23>

Written on 2017-04-20 19:31:44

So, here is the conclusion - don't quarrel/fight with a girlfriend  At least, when you play AoW3  It affects on your stacks 

Written on 2017-04-20 15:45:40

Congrats to skun!

This game was lost for me on turn 1 when I played my turn while having a fight with my gf and lost almost the entire stack incl healing hero.
After that it took an eternity to get on my feet again and get an economy going.
Just when I had it , first stalker out and was about to expand and get aggressive, skun with impeccable timing invaded me with 3 stacks. As my main leader stack was ug and 3 turns away, there was nothing I could do against those 3 stacks to kill and raze everything I had. So only logical conclusion for me was to suicide and surrender.

Wp and good luck for the further tournament!

Written on 2017-04-19 18:48:44

I thought that Castaneda will create many troubles for me as he played Rogue. But even when he had researched Shadow hunters he didn't use them  
My growth was too slowly. One of the main reasons was because my second town, which must to be my vassal, was closely to me, but there were no ways at UG to go there.   And it was not for the first time. So I was afraid of being beaten before I could get to my feet. But Castaneda was far from me and had making his own business.  
2 nearest Dwellings declared war on me <smiletext6> So I can't use them as the source for my army. And my second hero - Theocrat - couldn't convert any unit :'( in all my fights (6-8 battles)
Finally, I came out to his border. And he attacked my 3 full stacks with 1 full stack (some succubus) plus 1 unit  Then he surrendered as I can see. Why he needed last suicide attack - I don't know <smiletext6>
Here is the screenshot of the score: my win

Written on 2017-04-19 18:21:00

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#14 | Neues Spiel im neuen Jahr
Joué: 2017-04-08Nombre de joueurs humains: 5
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 63
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-04-14 08:32:36

Got surprised by roamers pretty early

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 20:07:54

Ich hab keinen NAP geschlossen

Moridin müsste Frostling Necromant gewese sein. Hätte verdammt stark werden können, da sehr viele Verließe in seiner nähe waren.

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 16:34:27

Ja gutes Spiel, gutes Zugverhalten von allen, danke.
Immer wieder gerne mit euch. Moridin, bitte nenne noch Rasse/Klasse....
Dann wären wir komplett.
Denke so schlecht war das FFA Spiel nicht, vielleicht noch mit beacons (wenn es ein NAP Spiel wird) und empire Mod.

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 16:22:39

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 16:11:34

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 15:58:44

Schönes Spiel, bei dem Moridin irgendwie früh erwischt wurde - hatte ihn noch nicht einmal entdeckt, da war es schon um ihn geschehen.
Hatte eine blöde Ausgangsposition auf einer Gotterverlassenen kleinen Insel mit Stromschnellen an der Küste, weshalb ich entweder links oder echts vorbei musste, um auf die anderen kleinen Inseln zu gelangen. Ohne Schnelles Einschiffen wäre ich verdammt schwach gewesen. Ich machte das beste daraus, indem ich so viele Kraken wie möglich beschwor, um eine anständige Seemacht zu generieren. Hat ganz gut geklappt, es entwickelten sich einige und dazu bekam ich auch noch große aus Versunkenen Städten. Also machte ich mich mal auf ins Feindesland und hatte das Glück, dass Castaneda meinen Kraken genau in die Fänge segelte. Auf Land hatte ich so gut wie nichts, da ich im Übermut meinen 1. Helden und 2 Mammuts verlor.

Setzte dann auf Reichvergrößerung, produzierte fast nur Siedler und Harpunenwerfer zu Verteidigung, während meine Mainstacks hungrig weiter Frostschlösser etc. angriffen. Weit und breit war allerdings kein Verließ zu sehen, weshalb meine Streitmacht praktisch nur aus Kraken, starken Helden, T1 und Hexen bestand.

Ich war achtsam und deckte stets den Großteil des Meeres ab, um im Notfall Angriffe auf See abwehren zu können. Hätten es Stacks über Wasser geschafft, wäre meine Infrastruktur hinüber gewesen. Bei meinen Streifzügen (es gab nichts mehr auf Wasser anzugreifen und keine Kraken mehr zu leveln), schiffte sich auch Blackcat vor den Augen meiner Kraken ein, die auch seinen Mainstack ohne Verluste in Stücke rissen.

Durch mein 3. oder 4. Sanktum konnte ich endlich auch T3 beschwören (Gefiederte Schlangen und Luftelementare), die ich von nun an so gut es ging beschwor. Da ich viele Autofights hatte, verprasste mein Leader jedoch bis zum Ende des Spiels seine CP, weshalb ich weniger Zaubern konnte als ich es mir erhofft hatte

Blackcat wiederum war noch alles andere als besiegt, ich stellte einen Teil meiner Streitmacht für ihn ab, da er Städte mit vielen Produktionspunkten hatte, was für einen Hohepriester natürlich enorm wichtig war. Ich hatte Angst vor Schreinen, sodass ich ihn zu schnell wie möglich aus dem Spiel nehmen wollte. Meine besten Einheiten zog ich jedoch gegen Castaneda, da er der stärkste Gegner zu sein schien. Nach einigen kleinen Schlachten war sein mächtiger Mainstack in Angriffsreichweite. Mithilfe von Eilbeeren und Todesmarsch konnte ich mit vier Stacks angreifen, was ihm natürlich das Genick brach. Doch selbst danach hatte er starke Support-Units mit Inflict Stun, die meinem erbarmungslosen Rush allerdings nur eine Handvoll Opfer zufügten. Seinen Thron griff ich so früh wie möglich an und nahm ihn somit komplett aus dem Spiel.

In Blackcat´s Reich hatte ich mich solang festgesetzt, zwei Städte waren im meinem Besitz, wobei ich bei einer mit exakt 180 Produktionspunkten eine Gefiederte Schlange pro Runde bauen konnte, was ich bis zum Schluss durchgezogen hatte. Blackcat bot noch einmal eine ernstzunehmende Streitmacht auf, war aber letztlich als Angreifer gegen meine Hexen, Schlangen und Helden chancenlos. Er hatte in vorherigen Schlachten jedoch einige getötet, v.a. Elementare.

Auch diese Schlacht erforderte jedoch wieder viele Zauberpunkte weshalb ich nicht dazu kam, viele Phönixe zu zaubern (den Zauber hatte ich aus einer Versunkenen Stadt, wenn ich es recht in Erinnerung habe). Diese brauchte ich für Mark, der sicher einige Schreine aufzubieten hatte. Dieser rückte dann auch in Castanedas ehemaliges Gebiet vor und zwar mit einer dermaßen mächtigen Streitmacht, dass ich begann, alles aus Castanedas Städten zu verkaufen und diese aufzugeben.
Ein direkter Kampf war tödlich gegen eine solche Streitmacht aus ca 6 Schreinen und etlichen T2/T3, die allesamt den Angriff der Schreine verbesserten (Fromm).

Also versuchte ich wiederum meine Stärke als Frostling zu nutzen, schiffte mich ein, um wiederum Marks Städte anzugreifen und seine Önonomie zu schwächen. In der nächsten Runde machte er allerdings einen Fehler, der es mir erlaubte, seine 5 Stacks in 3 Mundgerechte Portionen aufzuteilen und in Überzahl angreifen zu können. Natürlich nicht besonders ehrenhaft, aber ich spiele ja letztlich auch, um zu gewinnen  Ich denke, Mark kam darüber hinweg. <smiletext1>

Danach war das Spiel natürlich endgültig entschieden, meine Stacks konnten sich nun alle auf sein Gebiet stürzen, wobei mein bester Stack mit Meister-Mantikoren und meinem besten Helden am ADW rumkrochen und Sites eroberten

Zusammenfassend muss man sagen, dass ich (mit Glück des Tüchtigen) meine Gegner stets in Überzahl angreifen und so ihre stärksten Stacks ohne schwerwiegende Verluste besiegen konnte. Aus meiner wahrlich schlechten Ausgangsposition (kleine Inseln, wenig Sites, Stromschnellen, kein einziges Verließ auf der Nordöstlichen Hälfte der Karte) habe ich wahrscheinlich das beste gemacht. Die Kraken waren natürlich Gold wert und sind aus meiner Sicht OP. Sie haben sogar Whare Sicht, was ich allerdings nicht gebraucht hatte.

Gutes Spiel, ich bin froh, dass es vorbei ist <smiletext0>

Geschrieben am 2017-04-08 10:55:48

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Partie#13 | Round 1 : 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament #4
Joué: 2017-02-14Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament Kind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 43
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Partie#12 | TRUE FFAFichier de report
Joué: 2016-10-08Nombre de joueurs humains: 8
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 86
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer
4Warlord KeldonSorcererDraconians800-113aqui


Written on 2016-10-21 22:25:55

I think WL Keldon is the man who took him down... at least I think it was him.
Lightform was playing Black player - the last in the queue, played as Tigran, though I don't remember what class exactly did he play.

Written on 2016-10-21 18:58:06

Can someone confirm what happened to Lightform in this game? AlX told me he played the game but Lightform said he didn't?

Written on 2016-10-11 20:09:01

Confirmed by $eeR

Written on 2016-10-09 05:09:50

I wonder why I am listed in this game when as far as I can tell I didn't even play in it ?

Written on 2016-10-08 22:30:57

Confirmed by Ezekiel

Written on 2016-10-08 15:58:48

Well this big game is finally over <smiletext0>
what can I say - I was the sneaky one this time  I tried to stay low throughout the game, making a Non-aggression pact with Eskild and at the same time had expanded to the utmost - as can be seen from the screenshots at the end of the game I had quite a number of the "meat (cow) cities" (with the single purpose to bring me as much gold as possible).

While I was expanding, started clearing all of the available sites with my 4 hero stacks + leader, resulting in every single site (including mythical) to submit to me and bringing me benefits.
When only 4 players were left, we've had some conversation with Eskild, where he'd try to persuade me that he was at the disadvantage - initially I believed it and tried to shift balance of deadlock between 3 sorcerers in his favour (for me - the longer the deadlock existed - the more beneficial). Later on I realised that he might be playing me, so had sent some enquiries to Seer and Keldon and afterwards pulled my troops back.
In the same time I started mass producing armies, and prepared plans to sweep Eskild's empire at the first signs of aggression (or if we suddenly would be only 2 players left).
Thinking further, I had scouted that Eskild is pushing Seer and Keldon quite strongly so had decided to have my own share of their empires - had attacked the South-West border of Seer's empire and had burned 2 or 3 cities. In the process, Keldon had tried to capture a city from me (with some strong stack), and was slaughtered as a result by the upcoming armies.
Few turns later we've met at the Seer's capitol. I had a feeling that I would need to attack Seer more that once to finally subdue him, but didn't expect Eskild being this close. 
In the end I lost 4 stacks (including some of the valuable hero artifacts), had managed to take the Seer's capitol, but had to retreat hastily. Next turn I've put my stacks in the narrow pass (and I actually had a feeling that should move further away <smiletext6>), where there were dirt walls from one side.
My sense of danger was correct, Eskild exploited it, and had attacked my 3 stacks with his own domineering forces (EHs, over 20lvl heroes, apprentices and so on).
At the same time my blitzkrieg plan was put into action - in 2 turns I had control over most of Eskid's native cities, and furthermore mass production of units started. 
At this point I was rushing some of the race governments upgrades to have option to win by Unity beacons. While preparing some pretty massive amount of stacks deploying all over the map, had started to build 3 of the Unity Beacons and scouted the whereabouts of Eskild's armies core.
in a couple of turns Eskild emerged at the South-East border of my UG empire. I backed down for few turns to accumulate more stacks in the vicinity, as I understood that there might needed 2 or 3 waves of 3-4 stacks to take just 3 of his main stacks (yeah, that's the power of sorccerer leader <smiletext6> ). At the same time there was one diversion army at the North-East side of the surface, which had been taken out in 2 waves.

In the end Eskild had made a small mistake, he had tried to run past me to get to my cities, had sent his flying stack with the 23lvl theo hero (the bane of Undead) to take the remote city (I abandoned it beforehand and used as bait), while his other 3 stacks were placed where I could get them with the 7 or even 8 stacks of my own. I immediately exploited it and had sent his leader in the 2-nd wave. (1 wave=4 stacks of units). 
Afterwards Eskild conceded.

Ty for game everyone, hope we can play some more such epic games in the future <smiletext0>
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