Partie actuelle Large 2v2v2v2 (Organisé par cbower) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 cbower18:00-23:00aqui
2 Skuns453Lirik90217:00-21:00aqui
3 Fistandantilus8:00-4:00aqui
4 Mr. Hawk18:00-0:00aqui
5 Kwibus12:00-0:00TheocratDraconiansaqui
6 Warlord Keldon8:00-0:00TheocratDwarvesaqui
7 Dagoth_Ur19:00-23:00unknownunknownaqui
8 Tasslehoff20:00-0:00WarlordOrcsaqui
Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

To all
Hi, friends. There will be holidays in Russia on May 1st and 9th, so I will be on my vacation trip from the 1st to the 10th of May. I'll try to play my turn on time, but it would be great to turn off the turn timer until May 11th 

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I'm on a short holiday from monday until friday (18th until 22nd) 

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Now it's my turn<smiletext6>
This morning I opened my turn and then I closed it and saved normally. This afternoon, before reopening my turn, the game has given me this error. When I downloaded the turn gave me a restart.
Do you know this type of error?

" />

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Sorry guys my computer had issues during my turn. I couldn't get my mouse to respond for some reason.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

before GR
nr.2 units charmed
nr.1 match won against lost soul

after GR
nr.1 unit charmed
nr.1 match lost against lost soul

F _ _ K

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I do not know what to do.... I played with my pc and........ booooooom crashed.
when I played aowI-II never happened.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I completely disagree and I think CBower's idea of a metropolis start was very good.

It's not a secret I despise settler starts as they completely remove the building empire aspect from the game.
Let's face it, the games I played with tourney settings (small map, settler start) were over in <20 turns ending in a battle between lvl 14/15 heroes and 90% of units are charmed/converted/ghoul cursed and so on because city production cannot simply keep up, it needs time to grow and to build structures.
It just becomes a matter of finding out who can level/clear/charm faster exploiting the AI in tactical combat (which is a sad simplification of a deep strategic game imho).

In this game I actually was able to build many settlers, units, produce stuff, expand and so on. Dividing your forces to expand toward different directions is actually an option over the boring (to me) 'make a killer stack' strat we all know well.

To be frank I do not think zaskow'mod is gonna help a lot, if at all. Necros are going to be slowed down 3-4 turns? So? How many units/infrastructure can be produced in that time span?

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

The spacing is good though. Hawk completely leveled me with a numbers advantage, which was cool. I am curious how many were produced units. 

I am with you I wanting to find a way to balance the game better, haven't tried zaskow's mod yet, but maybe that will help. The problem as I see it is, mostly the "good" just have to be good at gaining turn advantage through clearing. I am not great at scouting, often get out expanded, and I am so so on the strategic level, however often I can win on the clearing advantage that I create. Which is always going to be important to PBEM, but I would like it to be a little less important, so we can enjoy other elements.

If you want to partner in a game, I will partner with you. I will PM you some specifics on what I do.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I don't really like the metropolis start to be honest. A bit more of a build up is preferable imo.

Allthough I must admit I'm having a terribly slow game and I'm allready unable to follow players like cbower when I'm having a good game so I'm so far incredibly far behind everyone it's not really helping me to enjoy this game <smiletext1>

I would really like to play together with a real good player where he actually gives me hints/tips on my play to improve my game to atleast give the better players some resistance.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

What do you guys think so far?
How do you guys find the setup? I am enjoying a longer style, and having more space and resources. That being said I don't think I fit a good strategy for the game, but it's still fun to think about it.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

restart turn
Hi, friends.
Today I've played my turn from the guest's PC and the game crashed. Here is the screenshot - Crash. Sorry for it. I have to replay my turn. But there were no battles at this turn. Only travelings.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

game restarted
cbower's big black cat strikes back ?

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

To Hiliadan
P.S. About appearance of such notifification at the tournament - I understood you and I will try to make all the necessary screenshots <smiletext23>

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

To Hiliadan
Yes, you quite right   It was "upload". )) Usually I play to AoW3 with Russian language, because of it (but not only due to it) I may use wrong definitions when translating it into English. <smiletext6>
As for the problem with "Ironman mode" message, I agree, my case is different from yours. But if I'm not mistaken, once I had got "Ironman mode" message when I was trying to download    my next turn from AoW3-server. It wasn't my first turn at that session. However, it happened a few months ago and not in this session. 

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

You mean "upload" instead of "download" I guess?

Well your situation is very different. I got the Ironman notification when I loaded the turn FOR THE FIRST TIME (I had not yet reached the screen where I can see my troops, etc.). Whereas you got it after there was an upload issue.
That notification due to upload happens sometimes and it's quite random. I got it several times and I don't know why, because in similar situation it also happened I got no notification.
For the tournament games, it is necessary to take screenshots of the upload issue message every time, in case you later have an Ironman notification.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Hi all. Returning to the subject about an appearance of "Iron mode" message at the end of turn.
Today I've played my turn at this session. At the end of turn the game got me message of such type: "It wasn't possible to download session to the Stunt-server". But when I pressed the button "Exit", downloading window has appeared again and the download was starting. However I was afraid of possible errors which may to download to the server and I've cancelled it. After that I've tried to download the session again to end my turn. And I've got the "Iron mode" message which about Hiliadan was talking at the chat not so long ago.

P.S. This message does not prevent me to play. And since I did not cheat, so I ignored it.

P.P.S. I'm not going to contact AoW3-support. But I've created this post because of I hope it may help anyone to localize this difficult PBEM message-error    It may be you, Hiliadan <smiletext1>

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Yay it's the 20th

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Hey guys

I inform you that I will be on vacation Jan. 12 to 20, and I can't play.


Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Give cbower a bit of time. He's normally a very active player.
