Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
101 Moridin8481326 %(7 | 26)2WLWW719
102 novograd11399570 %(75 | 107)WWWLL7532
103 Castaneda8571331 %(11 | 35)L4LLW1124
104 Refineus9752938 %(16 | 42)LWWLW1626
105 DreadReapr97611644 %(75 | 170)WLLLL7595
106 Hiliadan11325266 %(69 | 103)LWWLW6934
107 mahimka10618951 %(51 | 100)WWWWW5149
108 Sin Arcain9982748 %(20 | 41)WLWWL2021
109 Gilafron9843132 %(30 | 93)WW2LL3063
110 Mr. Hawk8981821 %(10 | 46)LLLLL1036
111 Longinus794920 %(5 | 24)WLL2L519
112 Jundland Banshee777917 %(3 | 17)WLLLL314
113 petracke7521116 %(2 | 12)WLLLL210
1 chiveicrook72559 %(1 | 11)LLWLL110
109 JustaKing70030 %3LL07
109 Bishmanrock70030 %LLL04
109 Th30n70030 %LLL03
109 Gutzzu70030 %LLL03
109 Archer0170020 %LL02
109 ezysquire70020 %LL04

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