The League System Revolution has begun (Community)

Encryption, "Pay In" Tournaments and Responsive Design

Ein Artikel von Mark

Our team has completely reworked the league System with the implementation of the civ6league -> (https://www.the-battlefield.com/civ6liga ). 
Based on the old league engine, three important changes were activated: 

- Migration of all league pages to https (http will not be used anymore) 
- Possibility to organize "Pay In" Tournaments (bound to PayPal) 
- Changing all "the-battlefield.com" leagues to responsive web design 
(AOW3 and CIV5 to be migrated soon) 


Encrypting our pages was a necessary step to secure your profile data (email, password, real name, etc.), so our pages became less vulnerable, especially the Admin area and data transmission itself. 

Organizing Pay In Tournaments 

Tournaments using the "Pay In" process will have a money prize, which should make the tournament winners more happy. Usually 10% of the money is used to pay the organization costs. It is still possible to enter tournaments for free, but without any entitlement to prizes. Once a tournament has completely ended, our team will hand over a cup (goblet) to the winning team. This cup will be financed by the money prize. This feature is only available for the-battlefield.com leagues. If you are interested in using this feature, please contact our support Team. It is also possible to create BF leagues. 

Responsive Web Design 

Mobile phones with internet access are everywhere. We accepted the challenge to adapt our pages to this trend. We are now using a reponsive web design, since we did not want to lose any information on our pages. This means that our website will adapt to the terminal displaying it and no usability is lost in the process. This feature is only available for the-battlefield.com leagues. If you are interested in using this feature, please contact our support Team. It is then possible to create additional leagues via the-battlefield.com. Basically, all leagues are constantly under further development (technics and design). 


Erstellt am: 02. 11. 2016 um 13:47:45

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» CIV6 Liga

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