Current game Global Strategy game (Organisator AlXStormrage) - PBEM Game

When everyone knows the values (classes / races, leaders) of others or at the end of the game, the values can be updated on this page, which will feed the meta statistics (please avoid revealing your or other player’s values when it may provide strategic information to your opponents).

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 21:17:06 +0200

global strategy game
    He He...what does 7 layers mean

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 21:14:08 +0200

Famous last words: "it wont be a roaming undead army that wipes me out"

Good luck guys!

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 21:12:21 +0200

it's large size, but it has 7 layers of UG <smiletext0>

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 21:01:33 +0200

global strategy game
     What size is the map  ? large or extra large ?

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 19:53:53 +0200

global strategy game
im not the best player but due to playing chess I  can think logically.....I may not win but it wont be a roaming undead army that wipes me out

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 19:35:45 +0200

I'm also 100% fine with the game.  I think we all joined knowing this would be a challenging & very long game, and that there would be a lot of quirks due to all the mods.  For me, that just makes it all the more fun & interesting, especially with such strong adversaries in the mix.  We may never finish the game, but then again we could get into a middle game where players have lost or quit, the moves come quicker, and things get super interesting.  Who knows.

SeeR brought up some good points about the game's quirks, the most important of which will probably lead to some unfair conditions between players.  I just chalk that up to luck of the draw & the price of making a game unique because of its mods.  I'm all set to go.  And I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Longinus' "plan". ;-)

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 09:08:50 +0200

global strategy game
I agree with Moridin as I'm game and Have a plan

Published on Tue, 28 May 2019 08:28:23 +0200

I agree with Moridin. We'll learn from our mistakes and if all of us are killed by indies within 10 turns we can quickly create a new game. :-)

Published on Mon, 27 May 2019 19:07:26 +0200


well, lets Play the game and then we will learn the Things which could be done better next time. <smiletext0>

Published on Mon, 27 May 2019 13:42:23 +0200

Hi Seer, 

good point raising the necro-question, but I don't think they'll be op until they get the Lich perks (e.g. they become undead), and at that point - I believe normal heroes will totally be able to contest with them.

As for the research - I did warn you it'll be a long strategic game <smiletext0> also I believe that research in AoW3 is too rushed, to accustom for the quick pace. if the development of the cities/armies will take a while, I believe the research should be tuned down.  

Also with the game standing here for a month, it's surprising to only see comments about the mods now that the game had been started... <smiletext6>

Published on Mon, 27 May 2019 04:59:02 +0200

OMG 18 turns to learn first spell ......

did we ban necro ?  necro heros going to be good catches .....

i suspect a few of us may die to indy spawns

superstrong defenders with weak start army ?   when you already have empire mod slowing game pace ...then add in the attrition mod which i just read up on prior to playing turn #1.....this will never finish 

as much as i do like a 1-2 year long fancy game 

this will take 10 i suspect.

So some suggestion as follows

1. as suggested remove the superdynamic stucture mod ( it puts way to many inns on the map )
2.  the Vmod hero set is fun , but pehaps has some a bit OP heros ( other options are triumphant heros MOD + Triumphant heros for empire building OR   Empire building mod additional heros + empire building mod hero compatability.   there are a couple other hero sets but same as VMOD may have some strange and OP heros.

if you want true variety you can do both the empire and triumphant sets.

3. in addition for new units i do like Griffiths New arsenal mod , as well as New arsenal for Empire building  + the Class Reunion Mod

4.I wonder if the attrition mod will apply to all units from empire and racial heritage etc ?  if its based on unit type i guess it will but we shall see could be conflicts / exploits to be discorvered therein.  but that not truly bother me.  just felt should mention to all players

5.  Extended Settings Mod.... ( i think you may wish to reconsider the settings you have chosen to engage in the 
rmg map setup )   You went a bit buck will with difficulty  that will arise from this with the forage and attrition mod.

im sure i will have a go 6-10 more suggestions but im in middle of moving to another city at present ...bit short on time ATM.

anyhow please consider that we may need a rehost sure let it go a few rounds if you like for now just to get everybodys feet wet in the kiddie pool and have chance to reconsider their leader selection.

if i'd realized exactly how far off you went on the DEEP END here i would have definatly gone a more conservative route with leader choice and specs etc.

Published on Sun, 26 May 2019 14:16:45 +0200

Let the First Blood Games begin!

gl & hf everyone!

Published on Sat, 25 May 2019 12:20:12 +0200


Published on Sat, 25 May 2019 10:45:49 +0200


Nemesis it seems you are the last player. Please joing the game as soon as possible

Published on Wed, 22 May 2019 22:55:53 +0200

Seer, El_lobo, Nemesis_Zero, please join the newly created game, pls so we can start the game

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 22:48:16 +0200

I had no problems joining the #2 game.  Woooooo hoooooooo! ;-)

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 22:16:22 +0200

created the game 2-nd time called - Global strategy game #2
password: ihatenecro

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 16:58:26 +0200

More errors occurring after the slot -1 one.

Might as well post here:

Assertion failed: (p-index >=0) && (pindex < FCount).

Sounds slot-related.

I have a large dump file as well; let me know if anybody wants it.

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 16:54:08 +0200

Still no luck, without any mods enabled.  exited & re-entered the game, at slot 1.  No dice.  So weird.  

Also just tried again in debug mode.  Interesting error message:  "Slot!=-1"

I promise you I'm not trying to enter Slot -1....  ;-)

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 16:25:58 +0200


see if you can stay in your current position? I mean if you don't try to change it?
I can rehost game - it's not a big problem for me (hope neither is for anyone else), but probably will only be able to do so late in the evening today (in about 4-5 hours)

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