Welcome to the civ6liga  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
1 Genesis8801100 %(8 | 8)W80
1 Eric8801100 %(8 | 8)W80
3 PartoftheShow868290 %(9 | 10)W291
4 Bluefire860388 %(8 | 9)WW281
5 rage815683 %(5 | 6)WWWWL51
6 NILS_Z794354 %(6 | 11)2W565
7 Lanzelot790175 %(6 | 8)262
7 Frodslha790175 %(6 | 8)262
9 GIGAZ7851100 %(3 | 3)W30
10 ARISTOBULUS7843100 %(3 | 3)WWW30
11 viktorianer773560 %(3 | 5)LWWWL32
12 Nighty771475 %(3 | 4)WWWL31
13 MARKYMARK769650 %(7 | 14)W4LLW77
14 Phönix756528 %(2 | 7)LLLWW25
15 Buktu751633 %(2 | 6)LLWWL24
16Kolumbus751450 %(2 | 4)LWWL22
17 Fry3k748633 %(2 | 6)WLLWL24
18 Simflaive7482100 %(2 | 2)WW20
19 MuffinMan745338 %(5 | 13)4L358
20 hundepriester725333 %(1 | 3)WLL12

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