Partie #581 | Random PBEM duel

Saunatonttu vs  llall12321

Détails du match

Note 2 - Bonne partie
Nombre de joueurs:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 37
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 SaunatonttuWarlordTigrans125120aqui
2 llall12321DreadnoughtHumans200-25aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:

Was a good game and a skilled opponent, fast-moving with lots of back-and-forth action, leaders and heroes dying both ways. My scouting was constantly denied by pesky fireballs. After one crucial victory at a much-fought-over fairy dwelling, my berserker production (tigran berserker OP) was able to eventually overwhelm the enemy, who didn't wait for their demise behind their city walls but rather opened the gates and rushed out to give the game a heroic ending.

Publié le Fri, 21 Jul 2017 03:53:11 +0200

Confirmed by llall12321
Confirmed by llall12321

Publié le Fri, 21 Jul 2017 03:53:06 +0200

Confirmed by llall12321
Confirmed by llall12321

Publié le Mon, 19 Jun 2017 18:50:43 +0200

Confirmed by Saunatonttu
Confirmed by Saunatonttu

Publié le Sun, 11 Jun 2017 10:16:49 +0200

Hey man, thanks for joining. I've created the game with the name "Saunatonttu vs llall12321 g1", password is "kikkihiiri". Here are the screenshots of the settings, good luck and have fun!

Publié le Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:49:20 +0200
Système de notification

Random PBEM duel
Looking for a player of any skill level for a PBEM duel. I'm a noob myself, but won't mind getting my face smashed in by a pro either. I can start anytime and will be able to play at least one turn per day, won't be setting a turn timer though. Game will be using the settings listed in

Publié le Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:49:20 +0200
Système de notification

Information Random PBEM duel
llall12321 joined !!