Partie #1347 | Classic 2v2

DrLight vs  El_Lobo vs  EarL1893 vs  gladis

Détails du match

Note 2 - Bonne partie
Nombre de joueurs:4
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 61
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 DrLightWarlordDwarves11200aqui
1 El_LoboArchdruidHumans1700aqui
2 EarL1893SorcererDwarves2-90-30aqui
2 gladisDreadnoughtElves2-110-30aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:35:33 +0100

Confirmed by gladis

Publié le Mon, 15 Nov 2021 22:56:04 +0100

Confirmed by El_Lobo

Publié le Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:56:57 +0100

Confirmed by DrLight

Publié le Mon, 15 Nov 2021 11:30:51 +0100

Publié le Mon, 15 Nov 2021 01:41:45 +0100

Very nice report, thanks for refreshing my memory Lobo!

Publié le Sun, 14 Nov 2021 11:23:04 +0100

EDIT: Can't report the game. A message says "invalid bla, bla, bla"

No Dr. we didn' lose! I havn't had time to do the report but started some weeks ago... Here it is!'s over! After 67 turns Earl and Gladis surrenderd. All in all I would say it was a well deserved win. Here is a short summary of the game.

I started as human AD on the surface in the south-east, Dr. Light (DL) as dwarven warlord in the south-east UG. My plan was to quickly evolve one or two animals to T4 and build shamans asap. Evolving worked quite well and I felt quite comfortable having two king reed serpents in turn 21, one at elite rank.

Made my way west on the surface, got a merfolk in the center of the map as vasall in turn 23 but instantly lost it one turn later to on of Gladis' drones. Got both king reed serpents on elite level + leader and 1st hero at level 13. Some scout battles followed but nothing to mention at this point.

Did some nice scouting with my hunters and started clearing with my 2nd hero and some shamans. Meanwhile DL made his way through the UG with a nice primary stack and also a good backup with berserks and MH.

In turn 27 DL cleared a wizard tower ruin and got summon obsidian dragon. Perfect spell at this point to counter Earl (sorcerer) with the massive blight damage. I cleared a sunken city and got summon blight elemental. Also perfect to counter the sorc. Temperature was heating up at this point.

Got a first sight on some of Gladis troops on turn 31. At this point I have had vision on estimated 80% of the surface with my hunters and shamans.

Turn 32, found more army from Gladis with leader and hero on level 13 and 3 unicorn-riders already on master level.

In turn 33 DL summoned the first obsidian dragon.

In turn 34 I entered Gladis realm with my main stacks and took a vasall.

Meanwhile a scout took a great win for Earl. My shaman was at full HP but 3 magic fists and really shitty AI movement later the prospector took the win with 2 HP left.

Not much happened until turn 39. Then the crunch time began. Earl took DL vasall. Unfortunately DL hasn't placed a unit nearby.

Also Earl repelled my socondary stack which was trying to invade from south-western surface.

My main troops reached a city from Gladis but I hesitated attaking a city with canons on a wall. Took the way through the water...

My main stacks moved forward to Gladis' throne and I was able to take it in turn 41. Then I did a mistake trying to release the city instead of razing it. Gladis took his throne back in turn 43...

My main stacks entered the UG and I found Earls throne in turn 45, took it in turn 46 and it was razed instantly (global spell). Unfortunately I lost the recording of turn 42 till 45. DL took a great win with his mains stacks but couldn't retreat with his remaining troops fast enough. 2 Turns later his main stacks were doomed by the back-up troops from Gladis.

In turn 46 I scoutet invading troops from Gladis. They were quite close to DL's throne and mine too. Somehow he made his way through our scouting network...

Meanwhile I built up a 3rd army with shamans, animals and wyverns clearing the northern surface. DL's leader came back from the void and he did a big mistake. I uploaded the screens with Gladis' invading army but DL left his throne with his leader and some t2 units.

In turn 48 Gladis killed DL's leader again...

I was able to take a vasall from Earl. His drone was in a bad position and I was able to fight manually. Anyways it was a really heavy fight cuz I couldn't bring in more troops and don't want to miss the chance taking the city.

Turn 49, Gladis knocks at my throne...

Turn 50 Gladis took my throne and also the vasall I took from Earl two turns ago (machine stack). My secondary army met some of Earls troops in the UG and killed them. Infortunately level 13 sorc went down...

Also I decided to split my main army. One stack with AD, 2 king reed serpents and 3 shamans for having a movable and swimmung stack on the surface to get back to my realm and defend it. I spotted a strong army from Earl which will take a city from me the next turn and then will come to the surface very likely.

Turn 51, as expected Earl took my city...

Anyways I cleared the north-east of the surface with some shamans and animals and have had really good vision and knew the postions of the enemy armies quite well.

I don't know why but it seems I lost the recordings of turn 52 till 58. Maybe it was the time when my notebook crashed and I havn't back upped the turns. Earl and Gladis killed Dr. Light and took all his cities. Anyways I felt comfortable having a lot of really fast units and a very good map control. My mood changed as Earl doomed my AD, serpent, shaman stack losing nearly nothing. At this point I was really pissed about AI behaviour. The king reed serpents took ton's of flanking damage to use the spit instead of using their melee attack. This was the first time I though we could lose the game...

My leader stack made his way through the UG coming back to DL realm and got some of his cities back.

Turn 60-64 not that much happend. Earl razed my throne with the stack he beat my serpent/shamans stack and made his way through the map clearing the mythical and legendary sites he found. He got 2 lord of the deeps, 2 heroes level 13 and master boar rider, shack trooper, big beatle and a snow witch. In the UG a weired situation was set up. I moved forward a bit too confident and end up at a choking point where I could have attacked with one stack facing 3 stacks from Earl and Gladis. Luckily they were in the same situation so no one dared to attack.

I retreated while Earls strong stack was coming to that area joining the rest of Gladis and his troops. Because I knew he was coming from the surface heading to a cave entrance I saw the chance to set up a trap. Most of my units have 36 MP, shamans have 40 MP and the others ons have cave crawling so there was a chance moving my whole army about 10 hexes or even more. This was the situation...

Turn 65 end up like this. I was able to enter the cave entrance and move another 2 hexes on the surface with most of my troops. I exected a similar trap from Gladis and Earl but not the next turn. Earl must have waited another turn on the surface (at least that was what I was hoping ^^).

What should I say? It happend exactly what I expeceted and I could attack Earl with superior troops...

Lost just some animals and a shaman. A turn later Earl and Gladis surrendered.

At least I must say that games like these are the reason for playing AoW3. Not just because we won, but it makes it even better. ^^ Espeacially the turns where not much battles were fought and the tactical movement on the map were main parts of the turn. Scouting here, scouting there, thinking about what will they do, where will they move, how far can they move were really exiting. Thank's to all participants!


Publié le Sun, 14 Nov 2021 02:54:51 +0100

Oh crap, I don't remember, I think we lost, right Lobo?

Publié le Sat, 13 Nov 2021 13:47:38 +0100

Hi, is this game still ongoing? Please update its status on the site (report it?) if it's finished.

Publié le Wed, 16 Dec 2020 22:30:39 +0100

Hey guys. I havn't got time to play these days since I am moving my household to another city and need to do all the stuff which need to be done in this situation. If everything went like planned I can play my turn on saturday or sunday. Thank's for your patience!

Publié le Mon, 23 Nov 2020 21:08:52 +0100

Hi All,

I will be in quarantine this week as I did an international trip, I don't have access to my personal PC and somehow I can't connect to the server through my work laptop, I guess the company firewall is preventing me from doing so. If I find a way to log in and take my turn I will, otherwise, I will take my turn probably next week after I get tested and go back home.


Publié le Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:12:24 +0200

Please read the chat gladis, I said what I needed and it's not tons of screenshots:

"Videos are not necessary, just send screenshots. And more importantly details about the games where it occurred: when were they hosted, who hosted them, who are playing them, mods used, log files especially of map generation, and save files. Also the most useful would be for you to reproduce the issue in single player (just generate maps and use the barentz cheat code to see the map)"

"If what you describe is correct, it's very likely to be caused at map generation so the most useful is probably the log file of the map generation by the host"

"Do you confirm it was a Merfolk Dwelling which was undefended? What is the language used by all the players involved in the game? (in game language used)"

No need to send me more screenshots if you don't send the rest.

More recent info points to a bug after map generation, and not during map generation though. But we have only 1 proof of a site previously defended which becomes undefended.

Publié le Sun, 13 Sep 2020 00:30:21 +0200

There was a Planetary Allignment, but I strongly doubt it has something to do with it....

Can you all please send screenshots etc to Hili?

It seems it's all about the following sites:

- Oyster Reef

- Raging Maelstrom

- Merfolk Dwelling

- Shrine to the Frickle Mermaid (to be investigated)

If you have screens of former defended once, please send them to Hili. So he can check with our info about undefended ones and vice versa...

Publié le Sun, 13 Sep 2020 00:05:33 +0200

same bug 4 me with undefended raging malstrom and undefended oyster reef

Publié le Sat, 12 Sep 2020 12:23:37 +0200

Hey there!

I've had a crash too. Did two very easy fights and then the games freezes after I openend the hero menu. Have had this issue before and it seems like it's not fixed yet. Anyways there seem to be something heavily broken in this game. I found an undefended raging malstrom, an undefended oyster reef and an undefended indie city. I remember that this problem appeared some month ago and was fixed. Now it is back so I'll inform Hiliadan.

Publié le Wed, 09 Sep 2020 21:36:11 +0200

Hey guys,

FYI: Today my game crashed without any notification error. I was in a manual fight and after maybe 10 secs the game randomly froze and crashed a few secs later. So there will be a restart notification shown.


Publié le Tue, 08 Sep 2020 14:08:39 +0200

Hey there!

My notebook is broken but I bought an all-in-one PC to get back on track. Anyways I have a lot of turns to do and will focuse on the 3vs3 tournament match. I'll play my turn asap. Thank's for your patience!

Publié le Mon, 24 Aug 2020 10:17:43 +0200

Heys guys,

since yesterday my notebook refused to boot. I am not sure how fast I can solve the problem or if I need a new one. Can't say if it will take a week or month until I am able to play again... :-(

I'll let you know when I am able to play again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Publié le Sat, 08 Aug 2020 21:34:35 +0200

I am on holidays until the 13th of august and won't be able to play my turns until then. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Publié le Sat, 01 Aug 2020 10:19:02 +0200

I am on a 1 week trip from now on.

Publié le Mon, 20 Jul 2020 11:53:23 +0200

I'll join this evening. GL HF! ;-)

Publié le Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:38:05 +0200
Système de notification

Classic 2v2


- PBEM Balance mod beta
- Strong Defender Normal Reward mod

Square Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Continents
Normal Game flow speed

Start town: Village
Starting units: Weak
Starting distance: Far
Roads: Few
Roaming units: Average
Treasures: Average
Cities: Few
Dwellings: Few
Ressource structures: Average
Visit structure: Average
Treasure structures: Average

Water Slider at 25%
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%
Barren, Mountain and Wetland at 40%
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %

2 teams of 2
Ironman Mode: on
Seal Victory: off
Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons
Tactical Combat Mode – Against AI: Always Ask

Game speed: Normal
Starting Resource: Standard
Starting Skills: None
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never
Defenders Strength: Strong
Cosmic Events: Medium
Maximum Number of Heroes: 2 (1 Leader + 2 heroes)
Maximum Heroes Level: 13
Map Exploration: On
City Founding: On
Random heroes match player race: Off
Empire Quests: On

Publié le Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:38:05 +0200
Système de notification

Information Classic 2v2
DrLight eingetragen!!

Publié le Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:37:26 +0200
Système de notification

Player DreadReapr has been removed.
Game is open and the slot can be used again.

Publié le Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:28:00 +0200
Système de notification

Classic 2v2


- PBEM Balance mod beta
- Strong Defender Normal Reward mod

Square Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Continents
Normal Game flow speed

Start town: Village
Starting units: Weak
Starting distance: Far
Roads: Few
Roaming units: Average
Treasures: Average
Cities: Few
Dwellings: Few
Ressource structures: Average
Visit structure: Average
Treasure structures: Average

Water Slider at 25%
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%
Barren, Mountain and Wetland at 40%
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %

2 teams of 2
Ironman Mode: on
Seal Victory: off
Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons
Tactical Combat Mode – Against AI: Always Ask

Game speed: Normal
Starting Resource: Standard
Starting Skills: None
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never
Defenders Strength: Strong
Cosmic Events: Medium
Maximum Number of Heroes: 2 (1 Leader + 2 heroes)
Maximum Heroes Level: 13
Map Exploration: On
City Founding: On
Random heroes match player race: Off
Empire Quests: On

Publié le Sun, 19 Jul 2020 10:28:00 +0200
Système de notification

Information Classic 2v2
DreadReapr joined !!

Publié le Sat, 18 Jul 2020 14:45:25 +0200
Système de notification

Information Classic 2v2
El_Lobo eingetragen!!

Publié le Sat, 18 Jul 2020 14:44:43 +0200
Système de notification

Information Classic 2v2
EarL1893 eingetragen!!