Partie #839 | scorched earth

phirpo vs  EarL1893

Détails du match

Nombre de joueurs:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 42
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 phirpoDreadnoughtDwarves120100aqui
2 EarL1893ArchdruidGoblins2-100-20aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Wed, 10 Oct 2018 21:56:23 +0200

i dont understand why Earl surrendered...the military stats showed that he lost some units but that could hardly have been all. We hardly had any contact. I had a weak start coz i lost my hero early. Only the last turns made me confident again of still winning, but he couldnt know that... - precipitated surrender in my eyes. Danke trotzdem für das Spiel, Earl

Publié le Mon, 17 Sep 2018 17:57:07 +0200
Système de notification

scorched earth
free for everybody. 
normal bf-settings apart from:
- land
- hero max level 14
- no EQs
- sceenshots uploaded if asked for

mod 1.25

Publié le Mon, 17 Sep 2018 17:57:07 +0200
Système de notification

Information scorched earth
EarL1893 joined !!