Spiel #1260 | Mark vs Blad IV

Blad_ua vs  MARKYMARK


Rating 2 - Gutes Spiel
Anzahl der Spieler:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Spiel-wert: 40
Resultat Spieler Classes Races Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 Blad_uaArchdruidTigrans21570hier
2 MARKYMARKWarlordGoblins1-60-20hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:
Veröffentlicht am Wed, 12 Aug 2020 22:08:49 +0200

Bestätigt durch MARKYMARK
I give up, because i play very slow and i think i will lost maybe for sure nearly 100%....maybe i got more time next month for playing. GG 

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 12 Aug 2020 17:27:30 +0200

Very long game. We were spawn in opposite corners, so we didn't have contact a lot of time. I had naga dwelling near me and manage get it in reasonable time. Then I rushed with production of Naga Matriarchand and keep it doing all game. I had very good map control due to nagas and dragons. Because of good map control I was able to farm map in spread locations. There was 1 major battle where MarkyMark won, but he didn't push toward my territory at all. I had very developed city nearby without real defense for few turns. I was able to recover after this loss and keep my economy and farming ongoing. There was choke point that MarkyMark defended with 3 armies, I also had 3 armies there and we keep looking at each other for like 5 turns. I had my other 2 armies that where farming and I raided MarkyMark lands with dragons and animals. There was one nice move from me when I managed to destroy Heart of the Tropics inside his land in relative early game. After some time MarkyMark gave up.

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 15 Jun 2020 07:54:18 +0200
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Mark vs Blad IV
Game is up. Password 123.

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 12 Jun 2020 19:34:29 +0200
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Mark vs Blad IV
Game is up. Password 123.

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 12 Jun 2020 19:34:29 +0200
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Information Mark vs Blad IV
Blad_ua joined !!