General Terms and Conditions

1. The website www.g4l.eu(https://www.g4l.eu) is operated by Holger Kuhn, Mark Flegler and Oliver Schumacher.

2. Users must adhered to all provisions for user accounts and their setup on the website www.g4l.eu that are determined by the administrators and the operators.

3. Users of the website www.g4l.eu approve that they will adhere to the provisionsby submitting their details during the account registration.

4. g4l.eu reserves the right to change and or delete results/reports, comments, blog postings, photos, league pages and to inactivate and/or delete accounts if members infringe these rules. Modifications or deletions may are made without giving reasons.

5. The user of the website www.g4l.eucommits him-/herself to keep his/her e-mail address up to date while registered as member. In case the e-mail address should change, the user must promptly update it under his/her profile.

6. The user of the website www.g4l.eu must at a minimum submit his/her place of origin (city, country) and his/her first and surname when creating an account.

7. If the data submitted is incorrect or incomplete, the administrators reserve the right to inactivate or delete the account without giving reasons. The administrators determine how long the account remains inactivated.

8. Nicknames are only valid for one game league and cannot be reserved for future games.

9. The user may not create and register several accounts. In case of an offence against this provision, the administrators reserve the right to inactivate and/or delete the account and to ban the user from gaming on this website for an indefinite period of time.

10. Users of the website www.g4l.eu commit themselves to respect other users, regardless of their nationality and religion. In case of an offence against this provision, the administrators reserve the right to inactivate and/or delete the account and to ban the user from gaming on this website for an indefinite period of time.

11. Users of the website www.g4l.eu are not allowed to use functions and services on the website (BIM, guest book, blog, photo book, forums, comments, news) for advertising or spamming.Exceptions are: Advertising for internal tournaments, games, clans or events.

12. Users of the website www.g4l.eu can only participate in and use current services offered.Offers that are no longer valid lapse. Discussions are out of the question.

13. Users of the website www.g4l.eu must be older than 13 years of age. Otherwise a written approval of the parents is required.

14. As a matter or course, parents reserve the right to prohibit their children to visit/use g4l.eu.

15. "Fake reports" (incorrect or manipulated reports) will not be tolerated and will be instantaneously erased. The administrators reserve the right to punish the user who is responsible for the incorrect and/or manipulated report or to inactivate his/her account for an indefinite period of time.

16. In case of an offence against this provisions, the administrators reserve the right to ban the user from gaming for an indefinite period of time and/or to delete the user account.

17. Any offence against the rules and provisions carries a penalty, such as the deletion of medals and/or results, which is executed by the administrators. Furthermore, the user account may be deleted or inactivated for an indefinite period of time.

18. Unauthorised manipulation of the functions, tools and services offered on the website www.g4l.eu as well as the publication of pornographic or racist materials/pictures and slogans won't be tolerated and will lead to legal proceedings against the violator and the deletion of the respective user account, medals and results. The same rule applies to any kind of internet espionage.

19. Any user who opens a user account with the clear intention to riot or to agitate other users will instantaneously be expelled from the membership. Whether a respective incident was a matter of wilful intent is solely assessed by the Liga administrators, who do not have to give reasons for their decision.

20. Copyrights: Copying, distributing, circulating, issuing or publishing material from the website www.g4l.eu is explicitly prohibited. In case of an offence, g4l.eu reserves the right to take legal proceedings. More information about the copyrights of g4l.eu can be obtained from the Data Protection Statement.

21. The number of total user accounts is unlimited. Nicknames, however, can lapse on the basis of the preferences of the respective gaming team.

22. The administrators/operators of the website www.g4l.eu may change the General Terms and Conditions at any time. The modified Terms and Conditions come instantaneously into force. Changes do not require a written notification. The user agrees to the g4l.eu General Terms and Conditions by creating an account.

23. g4l.eu provides the user accounts and all other related services in the current state. g4l.eu can at no time ensure the faultless operation of the accounts.

24. Place of jurisdiction is the Federal Republic of Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, D-69412 Eberbach. Any lawsuits are therefore settled under German law. Applicable regulations are not explicitly stated here.

Competition Terms and Conditions

First Participation in a lottery may only be one account per person.

Second The winners will be contacted after the contest, however, there may in some cases to delays.
We will contact winners by email!

Third If a winner has not been reported after a period of 2 weeks will be withdrawn, and my profit is re-league.com owner of the profits.

4th Employees of g4l.eu, the participating partners and their respective families are excluded from participation.

5th Eligible are all persons have reached the age of the 18 and in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are domiciled. We verfordern of the winners of a record.

6th The administrators / operators of the website www.g4l.eu may change the Terms at any time. Changed Conditions are effective immediately. It does not require written notice. The user-g4l.eu Conditions accepted by the creation of an account.

7th A transfer of data to third parties, including alliance partners of g4l.eu excluded wirdausdrücklich. The personal data will be deleted no later than the end of the competition.

8th Jurisdiction is the Federal Republic of Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg / 69412 Eberbach. Therefore apply in the event of a dispute, the German law which are not listed here.

The decision is out CeNET. In a breach of these terms and conditions of g4l.eu reserves the right to exclude persons from the lottery. A cash payment of rates is not possible.

By entering our contests you automatically accept these Terms and Conditions.

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