Welcome to the civ6liga  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
80 AdvocatusD737160 %(3 | 5)332
79Kkonradd738166 %(2 | 3)221
78 Kurkarte739422 %(6 | 27)L9L3621
77Thrill743437 %(6 | 16)3245610
76 Xaos750428 %(6 | 21)265L615
75Kallemon763342 %(6 | 14)32568
74 HohesB764160 %(3 | 5)332
73 Porzellanfritte773230 %(3 | 10)L337
72 Alteran775250 %(5 | 10)2555
71 Sam2480776916 %(9 | 55)LL6LL946
70 Aethelred777260 %(6 | 10)3364
69 Valigar780533 %(8 | 24)36462816
68 Bomm3l/Hampti780428 %(6 | 21)52LL615
67 plusquamperfekt786621 %(4 | 19)LLL37415
49 Thorgal7881100 %(3 | 3)W30
50 Sharkbit788932 %(8 | 25)LLWL3817
64 Braaktar790426 %(5 | 19)4LL2514
63 PartoftheShow793180 %(4 | 5)241
62 TEK_REBELL796442 %(11 | 26)436L1115
54 Phönix7964039 %(49 | 123)WWWL44974

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