Game #1253 | 2v2 teamgame

keika vs  mahimka vs  Skuns453Lirik902 vs  novograd

Match Details

Rating 2 - Nice Game
Amount of Humans:4
Kind of game:   PBEM
Game-value: 64
Result Player Classes Races Team Points Extra Points Missed Points Quitter Rate
1 keikaTheocratDwarves21300here
1 mahimkaTheocratGoblins21700here
2 Skuns453Lirik902SorcererTigrans1-100-30here
2 novogradTheocratDwarves1-200-30here
Posts to the game:
Published on Wed, 29 Jul 2020 05:02:07 +0200

Written by novograd

this report has some mistake.

I should be 2 not 3 because we were team

Published on Tue, 28 Jul 2020 11:44:45 +0200

Confirmed by keika

It was not "classes vs classes" game, but rather strategic game. There were very few class units and abilities in game and I think they didn't affect much on result in this particular game.

Before game started we wanted to play strategy based on absorbing strong dwelling (preferably dragons) and produce t4 units, so we picked master keeper of the peace for me.
Unfortunately we didn't find good dwellings near us in time, so this strategy has failed.

Game didn't start well for our team because of my big mistake. On second turn I attacked frostlings and lost my leader (could be even much worse). So I lost happiness and research for few turns and that slowed my progress a lot.
I was not able to contact with my neighbour first 15 turns or so - because of undiggable walls it was taking more than 3 turns to reach them and still I was not able to do that due to roaming independens, so my specialization was completely useless in this game.

Mahimka's early game was more successful - he vassalized his own neighbour, got butcher from quest and also captured and converted independent village.

Opponents more or less have revealed their positions at turn 10. Our scout has been killed by medaled cheetah and also we have found captured by Novograd archon dwelling in between of us.
We decided that Mahimka could try to move towards to Novograd's cities by another way and raze them with scorched earth, while I keep eyes on Novograd's army and cover our cities from him.

At turn 12 we discovered Novo's army and its precise position. He already had 11 level on theocrat while my leader was only near 9.
My combined army was stronger than Novo's, so I moved it closer to Novograd forcing him to retreat. Our guess regarding opponents movements was quite accurate. Novo didn't go back, but went to dungeon which was even farther from his cities and gave Mahimka more chances to raze his cities.
Also Novograd did a mistake - trying to protect archon dwelling while finishing conversion, he left newly hired hero to guard dwelling and didn't pay attention to protect nearby inn. Mahimka's cherub bought 4 units from the inn, killed that hero and captured dwelling.
At the same time Mahimka's main army ran through half of the map undetected. He took very developed Novo's captured neighbour (city size) next turn and casted scorched earth. There was one more inn in the city's domain and with all bought units Mahimka got 2 full stacks.

We were expecting that Skuns could try to counterattack my cities with floating units (or they could even abandon their cities, join forces with Novograd and raze our cities instead), so I ran with my army to prevent that.
It turned out that Skuns was farther from my cities than we expected and we saw the exact army he had, so I had time and army to defend.
We thought that Skuns will capture fey's dwelling on his path, but it looks like he just completed his own quest, abandoned Mahimka's quest with seed of distrust (right?) and then cancel it. So next turn I simply vassalized fey myself and put scout near to force auto battle if he try to attack. Skuns' scouts have been killed and he retreat back from the feys.

At the same time Novograd took dungeon and converted warbreed. As we scouted, he splitted his army trying to recapture archon dwelling and running back to the throne with faster units.

Nevertheless Mahimka has killed few irregulars near cities, captured Novo's throne and also casted scorched earth. Besides one evangelist we didn't see any other army and there were very small chances that they can save throne without razing and even if they had enough secondary army to recapture throne, most likely that army will be killed next turn by Mahimka's army. After razing the throne, we checked if Skuns throne is not well defended also and after we found decent army, Mahimka just ran away because time was working on us.

Opponents didn't surrender after that and we expected them to counter attack our cities instead, but they didn't.
Novograd has surrendered in a few turns probably when didn't find Mahimka's army to punish or just because of dismoral.
Skuns has delegated his control to AI and next turn smart AI made the best thing ever - run closer to my army, lost his leader and hero and surrendered.


Knowledge score:

Military score:

Fun fact. Novograd has converted dwarves warbreed in guard mode with 14 res (30% ch ance) in second try. Near the end of the game I also was able to do so in second (!) try, but it was cursed warbreed with broken spirit and holy weakness (91% chance). Random :four_leaf_clover:

Published on Mon, 27 Jul 2020 00:20:33 +0200

Written by novograd

I didn't focus on mahimka's move and he plunndered my 2cities(all) with starting army

Published on Mon, 27 Jul 2020 00:10:32 +0200

Geschrieben von El_Lobo
So two theo's beat one or what was the key issue?

Published on Mon, 27 Jul 2020 00:04:49 +0200

Confirmed by novograd

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 20:40:07 +0200

I hosted the match.

Game name - 2v2 teamgame

Password - 168

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 20:24:23 +0200
System notification

2v2 teamgame
It's a usual teamgame with tourney settings except Lands map instead of Continents (less water on surface). Beta balance mod+SDNR. Everyone is welcome

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 18:59:37 +0200
System notification

2v2 teamgame
It's a usual teamgame with tourney settings except Lands map instead of Continents (less water on surface). Beta balance mod+SDNR. Everyone is welcome

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 18:59:37 +0200
System notification

Information 2v2 teamgame
novograd joined !!

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 16:08:58 +0200
System notification

Information 2v2 teamgame
keika joined !!

Published on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 15:11:17 +0200
System notification

Information 2v2 teamgame
mahimka joined !!